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The Free

Tutoring Program

Being at the center of IC, our mentees are our number one priority. Having undergone thorough assessment, our chosen mentees are young and enthusiastic learners, aged from 15-24, from around Vietnam from North to South. They come from Hai Duong, Quang Tri, Dong Thap, Dong Nai… where quality English education is limited. 


Our target mentees are high school and university students who all share a burning desire for knowledge. For high school students, our tutoring program helps them achieve the necessary English proficiency to get admission to prestigious universities. For university students, our tutoring program helps them meet the graduation requirement of English competence and consolidates their linguistic capability for future career. Our program is designed in such a way that it fits the studying timeline of mentees and their IELTS examination date.


We identify ourselves as mentors, sharing our experiences, tips and tactics as seasoned IELTS learners and study side-by-side our mentees and improve ourselves everyday. If you are a passionate learner but unfortunately hindered by difficulties, then IC is the right place for you. Apply to be our mentees and receive the assistance that you deserve!




Apply now!



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