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Academic knowledge ONLY to pass exams?

Students should be taught academic knowledge so that they can pass exams, and skills such as cooking or dressing should not be taught. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Thesis: the view is partly justifiable – both of them are indispensable

Body 1: academic knowledge is of tremendous importance

- fact: communities are judging people based on their academic background

- reason: graduates from top-tier universities are granted better job

- result: academic knowledge > prepare students for important tests > can be admitted to prestigious tertiary educational institutions.

Body 2: survival skills should not be abandoned

- reason: the lack of survival skills will present students with obstacles in life

- fact: not every student are exposed enough to tasks such as cooking, cleaning, dressing at home

- reason: some parents are overly pamper students – force them to only focus on schoolworks

- hypothesis: the implementation of survival skills in school curriculum will be necessary and indispensable for students when they lead independent life.


In the recent decades, the content of school curriculum has never failed to draw public attention and provoked debates. It is maintained that schools should provide students with academic knowledge and disregard the coverage of soft skills like cooking or dressing. From my own perspective, this opinion is only partly justifiable because both are indispensable in improving the well-being of students.

On the one hand, academic knowledge is undeniably of tremendous importance in the modern world. In fact, communities are more inclined to judge people based on their academic background. Students graduating from top-tier universities are usually granted more decent and stable jobs. For this reason, schools should prioritize academic knowledge so as to prepare students for important exams such as high school graduation or university entrance tests. By doing this, there is a better possibility that students can be admitted to prestigious tertiary educational institutions in the pursuit of their career path.

On the other hand, it is unrealistic to abandon the education of survival skills. The lack of survival skills will present students with obstacles in life when they grow up. However, not every student are adequately exposed to such daily tasks as cooking, cleaning, dressing at home. This is because some parents pamper students or force them to solely focus on schoolworks. Therefore, the incorporation of survival skills in school curriculum will be vital for students when they lead an independent life.

All in all, both academic knowledge and daily skills are essential in educating young generation. To my mind, schools should strike a balance and include both of these aspects in their curriculum.



  • school curriculum (n) a particular set of courses that a school or governing body designates

  • disregard (v) to neglect, to pay no attention to

  • well-being (n) the state of feeling healthy and happy

  • tremendous importance (n) if something is of tremendous importance, it is extremely important

  • grant (v) to give or allow someone something

  • decent (adj) socially good (usually used to describe job)

  • top-tier universities (n) the most famous and qualified universities

  • prestigious (adj) very much respected and admired

  • tertiary (adj) relating to education in colleges and universities

  • abandon (v) to stop doing an activity

  • be exposed to (v) to experience something

  • pamper (v) to give someone anything they want and not to mind if they behave badly

  • incorporation (n) the act of including something within something else

  • lead an independent life (phrase) to live independently

  • strike a balance (phrase) between A and B – to accept both things



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Đối với những mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng chủ động (Active Voice), chúng ta có thể rút gọn bằng cách bỏ đi trạng từ quan hệ và chuyển động từ chính về dạy V-ing.

Ví dụ trong bài:

Students who graduate from top-tier universities are usually granted more decent and stable jobs.

Động từ chính của mệnh đề quan hệ là graduate (tốt nghiệp) và được chia ở dạng chủ động. Chúng ta sẽ rút gọn bằng cách bỏ trạng từ quan hệ WHO và chuyển graduate thành graduating:

Students graduating from top-tier universities are usually granted more decent and stable jobs.

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