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Why Thor joined the Avengers ?

Hulk: Thor, are you still playing that video game? You have been playing it for hours. Thor: This game is so gripping and riveting that I...

So slow . . . a Harry Potter . . .

Harry: Voldie you know, there is a saying that “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. There are some facial features that I particularly...

Driving your brother crazy . . .

James: WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING, TALKING TO YOUR OWN BROTHER LIKE THAT? Gary: Ok ok, so I was a little bit impolite and my brother...

Tool and equipment

Question: Describe a time you had a problem with a piece of equipment. Technology and devices have always been my Achilles heel. So one...

The future of employment

Question: The world of work is rapidly changing and the employees cannot depend on having the same work or the same work conditions for...

Museums and Art galleries

Question: Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works...

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