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Getting rid of the scorching Sai Gon

Ninja Lead: Hey sweeties! Don’t you feel it’s too scorching today?

Gao Honda: Yeah, girl, do you have any suggestions to get rid of this sweltering feeling?

Ninja Lead: Well, peach tea has just sprung to my mind.

Gao Honda: That’s out of this world! But, I’m not amenable to the idea of hustling to Phuc Long in this weather.

Ninja Lead: Don’t fret, I’ve already had the ingredients in the fridge, we’ll have frosty peach tea glasses in the nick of time.

Ninja Lead: Let me see… pour the boiling water intro glasses… add tea bags…

Gao Honda: And… wait for 5 minutes. I’ve known the instructions by heart, just let me do it. …

Gao Honda; The tea is ready, just add some peach syrup to impart an appetizing flavour. There are 130 calories in a medium cup of peach tea, especially it contains no fat...blabla

Ninja Lead: That’s nonsense to me! Just enjoy it !!!!! Cheers!

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