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The Controversial Love

Conan: I am so sorry but I think it’s high time we broke up. This fake relationship of me and you is spreading really fast and is making Ran really sad.

Shizuka: Did you mean the news was spreading like wildfire and it is tearing Ran’s heart out?

Conan: Yes, that’s what I meant.

Shizuka: Oh, as you wish. I also don’t think we can continue much longer. Being with you makes me extremely bored, or I would say, bored to death.

Conan: Thank you for your understanding, I know you accept my request reluctantly. I can no longer hide my true feelings for Ran. Could you please remove our relationship status from your Facebook account?

Shizuka: Of course, I will do it right away. However, I still have to thank you for what you have done for me during those days.

Conan: You’re welcome.

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