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The promotion of alternative sources of energy - POSITIVE (human and nature)

(1) positive for human activities

- reason: traditional sources have been exploited for a long time - depleted

- result: greatly affect human life

+ example: oil (used in factories and car engines)

- hypothesis: getting new sources of energy is important

- reason: efficient and economical

+ example: solar panels

(2) positive for natural habitats

- reality: fossil fuel power plants produce pollutants (example: fly ash, nitrogen oxides)

- hypothesis: reduce the use of fossil fuels = reduce pollutants (if not totally eradicate)

- reality: governments are more aware and acknowledge the problem

- hypothesis: they will attempt to raise people’s awareness and take more actions

Sample Essay:

In addition to the long-standing consumption of fossil fuels, many parts of the world have been gravitated to the utilization of alternative sources such as wind power, solar power and so forth. From my perspective, this tendency will significantly benefit not only the human race but also the natural environment because of its sustainability and practicality.

To commence with, the promotion of renewable sources of energy is propitious for human’s activities. Having been exploited for quite a long time, the traditional sources, which are non-renewable, are being depleted and this can tremendously influence our daily activities. A prime example would be oil, which is now widely used in factories, car engines and were we to merely rely on it, we would run the risk of lacking energy in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the acquisition of more sustainable sources of energy is and will be of great importance for any country in that they are both efficient and economical. A solar panel can be very expensive at the installation steps but gradually, the cost of electricity generation can enormously decrease on account of modern technologies and methodologies and evidently, more reliable energy will be produced.

More importantly, this shifting towards alternative energy sources would address the global issues of environmental damages. Firstly, it have been scientifically proven that the operation of fossil fuel power plants does discharge into the atmosphere harmful by-products such as nitrogen oxides and fly ash. Although fossil fuels cannot be completely eradicated in energy production and replaced with other renewable ones, once their consumption are lessened to a reasonable extent, the pollutants released will be reduced remarkably. Moreover, the tendence also shows that many governments are becoming more environmentally aware and they acknowledge that the depletion of natural resources in their countries will severely affect the nation as a whole. Consequently, they will attempt to raise people’s awareness of this problem and take further measures, inasmuch as sensible utilization of the earth’s resources is a priority.

In conclusion, this development will not only adequately solve the problems of human daily life but also put a halt to the depletion of the earth’s natural resources. In my mind, when the change reaches more parts of the world, our planet will be a liveable place forever.

Vocabulary highlight:

- Easily applied vocabulary:

+ long-standing (adj): having been used for a long time, traditional

+ utilization (n): the act of using something

+ propitious (adj): likely to show results with success

+ in the foreseeable future (phrase): as far into the future as you can imagine or plan for

+ eradicate (v): to get rid of something completely

+ put a halt to (v): to stop something from happening

+ inasmuch as (phrase): used to add a comment on something that you have just said and to say in what way it is true

- Topic vocabulary: Environment and Energy

+ sustainability (n): the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment

+ acquisition (n): the act of getting something to use

+ methodology (n): the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment

+ discharge (v) into: to release waste gas or liquid, usually harmful

+ fly ash (n): a kind of air pollutants produced in burning fossil fuels

+ environmentally aware (phrase): in great concerned with the problems of the environment

+ depletion (n): the reduction of something by a large amount so that there is not enough left

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